(Manichaean Musaddas poem about Shapur I being reborn as Bögü Qaghan to convert to Manichaeism)

Shapur I, Wise King of the Simurgh Kingdom, and friend of Mani
The King of Kings of Iran and non-Iran, the sun of many
Walking through the valley of the shadow of death, the road of any
Recalling his life of war campaigns, stone monuments and plenty
Recalling his support and talks with Mani, though his heart was in doubt
Now he knew that the blazing flame, that guided him, was going out
Wondering why he believed Oromazd and Ahriman were brothers
Why he worshipped fire, for soon his fate will end in painful fires
Remembering how he dismissed the teachings of the lotus flowers
Mani’s gift of Persian honey, that he did not taste, like others
Ready for the chariot of burning flames, his friends started to weep
He sunk down into his soft bed, and fell into the clutches of sleep
“A voice calling from the Eastern Steppe, “Prepare the way for the Light
Make straight, open paths to the Light, dwelling in the heights above the height
Valleys will be made low, heavens will open, all in a king’s sight
The world will shake, and the world will be bathed in moonlight and in sunlight””
These are the words the angels prophesied about Shapur the King
Shapur before his sleep faintly chuckled at this, praying and wishing `
Shapur I came again, forgetting his former self and wish
But had dreams of the Just Judge, sitting just above a pond of pearlfish
“You allowed every flower in your vast land to grow and flourish
You were the sun shining indiscriminately on all plants and fish
And cared for that seven petal lotus in your garden and court
Though in the past, you politely declined to give your heart’s full support”
He awoke as Bögü Qaghan, Khan of the Uyghurs, Great East Wise Prince
He heard the words “Visit the seven petal lotus of times since
And breathe in that lotus flower’s scent, by the holy wind, to convince
Your heart to be born again in spirit, without needing to rinse”
Bögü Qaghan put on his armour for another day of battle
And worshipped Tengri, god of the heavens, despite earthly prattle
He successfully fought Yan, to aid the Tang, as if it was fate
Travelled to the city of Luoyang to pray, wish and contemplate
Exhausted after the fight, four angels came, each carrying a plate
Carrying a petal from a white lotus flower that grew great
Nostalgia grew in Bögü Qaghan’s heart, recollecting an old bond
An old friend called from beyond, a lotus grew out of his soul’s pond
"The bright crowned Hearer, the Keeper of Faithfulness
Whose virtue upholds the state of holiness
May the eons guard the defenders of greatness
And the commanders of the divine highness
May they all be crowned with the gold of the sages
May it be so for ages upon ages"
He bowed his head and smelled the small petals of splendorous moonlight
And the heavens opened, the world shook, and all the world was bathed in light
The indiscriminate sun rose in the Orkhon Valley of might
Almost five hundred years after the sun set into a pond in plight
The King of Kings was born as the Divine Khan of countless many
The Son of a King was born again as the Emanation of Mani