In an grand empire
The grand Sassanid Empire
Rival of great Rome
Controlled by Shapur I
The benevolent
Lived a prophet named Mani
Raised isolated
In the middle of nowhere
Under the harsh sun
Until his angelic twin
A gleaming mirror
Rode down from the soothing moon
And came to Mani
To reveal the mysteries
And guide Mani’s soul
In all the divine precepts
Mani taught these things
To his religious brethren
To help them grow fruit
Fruit that gives eternal life
In their barren world
He was beaten and kicked out
For quaking their world
So Mani came out bleeding
But filled with new blood
Bringing hope into his heart
After some long weeks
Mani got ready to pray
In a rented room
Facing the east and waiting
Waiting for sunrise
Waiting for light to banish
The darkness of night
As he stood with his head down
He heard galloping
Coming from outside the house
The approaching sound
Sounded like soothing music
As it grew louder
He heard it was from above
Not from rocky ground
Soon it was above his head
And then behind him
Filled with curiosity
Mani turned and looked
And saw a great, holy beast
Shining and serene
With the wings of a phoenix
Flaming and spitting
With a serpent’s neck and head
Whose scales were feathers
Pearly feathers of a dove
But his large body
Was of a humble donkey
For Mani to ride
Ride to the holy city
Of the great Father
He said “My name is Gnosis
From the House of Light
From the Eternal Kingdom”
The beast bowed his head
“Why have you come?” Said Mani
The beast looked behind
At a pouch with a letter
Mani gently walked
And opened the red letter
Encrusted with gold
“From us, your kingly Father
Your kindly Mother
Whose the Queen of the Dawn-land
And from your wise Twin
To you, Apostle of Christ
We give our greetings
Arise from your sleep again
Get up from your bed
Get up on your holy beast
And ride to our House of Light
Become swift lightning
Shattering through the heavens
Come and remember
Why you were sent down to flesh
Remember the pearls
That you came to liberate”
He looked at Gnosis
And his thought separated
From his human flesh
From his body of darkness
And so, his thought climbed
Onto Gnosis looking up
When Mani sat tall
The heavens were ripped open
All the world lit up
And the cosmos and stars quaked
The beast took Mani
To the top of the whole world
Above birds and clouds
He shot through that rented room
Without a hindrance
As if the world was a dream
He sat in darkness
With only the world and stars
Giving any light
In the empty, cold darkness
As Mani looked down
Filled with wonder like a child
And filled with slight fear
Light shone on him to his right
Mani turned his head
He saw his bright Twin and said
“Praise be to you, Twin
You are the Mirror of Light
My moon in this dark”
His Twin smiled, bowed and proclaimed
“Praise be to Mani
Seal of the Luminaries
The gift of the air”
His Twin then pointed upwards
And just disappeared
Mani knew this was the start
Of his long journey
Mani rode even higher
With the galloping
Creating a holy tune
After much thinking
After flying beyond stars
He saw the Just Judge
Sitting on a small island
Holding weighing scales
In the middle of a pond
Surrounded by stone
Mani disembarked the beast
And stood on the stone
The Just Judge remained unmoved
The beast then proclaimed
“This is Mani, the Prophet
The Prophet of Light”
The Just Judge remained unmoved
His face was plain stone
Two eagles came with two cups
One silver, one gold
Mani was given these cups
One filled with white milk
One cup filled with purple wine
The Just Judge told him
“Great thinker, choose what to drink”
After some seconds
Mani knelt down to the pond
And began to drink
The clear pond with his bare hands
So the Just Judge laughed
With much kindness and wonder
And so he chuckled
“Well done noble messenger
You have exceeded
This test of wine and white milk
You may pass through now”
As Mani boarded the beast
Zoroaster shone
Behind the Judge of Justice
Mani’s face shone bright
And Mani loudly exclaimed
“Praise Zoroaster
Divider of light and dark
Fountain of good deeds”
Zoroaster responded
“Praise Manichaeus
Saviour and Shepherd of Light
Redeemer of souls”
Mani rode even higher
With the galloping
Creating a holy tune
After a long while
He and his beast saw a cloud
Of black amethyst
Mani quickly got closer
Till he reached the top
And saw the Light Mind sitting
In eternal prayer
The Great Mind meditating
Totally at peace
While holding a two-edged axe
To cut bitter roots
That ties the hearts of mankind
That double-edged axe
Used by the first warrior
The ancient First Man
Who fought the Prince of Darkness
The amethyst cloud
Was an everlasting boat
A long battleship
That took the first warrior
To the thieves of pearls
Who served the Prince of Darkness
In the cosmic seas
In those dead primeval seas
When the sun first rose
The Light Mind sat on a box
A medicine box
For healing wounded fighters
Those brave warriors
Who went down to fight darkness
And are still fighting
He also had five faces
They were named Reason
And Mind, Intelligence, Thought
And Understanding
The Light Mind gave a black robe
For Mani to wear
He said “Wear this sacred robe
It is my spirit
My power made manifest
My soul from my soul
My spirit from my spirit”
Mani wore the robe
And bowed to the great Light Mind
Gnosis smiled at them
Happy that there will be three
Traveling higher
So Mani prepared to go
With excited haste
Mani rode even higher
With the galloping
Creating a holy tune
In the dark expanse
Mani saw a long light stream
Made of endless pearls
Clothed in multi-coloured clouds
Within this tower
It appeared like a column
But in divine eyes
It was a spiralling disk
Where every white pearl
Spirals into the centre
Where the Father’s love
Rests in its infinite depth
So Mani proclaimed
“Blessings be upon us all
The shining elect
And for those who hear my song
All praise be to you
The glorious Perfect Man
The abode of pearls
The garment of every soul
The narrow pathway
For every angel of light
And the purified
May your infinite splendour
Full of endless life
Shine upon the reborn Church
So peace and gnosis
May shine in all fertile lands
May you protect us
May you accept this clean prayer
This small holy song
This melody galloping
To your unseen ears”
This tower from divine hands
This tower of pearls
Allowed Mani and his beast
To ride within it
So he journeyed in the light
Seeing every pearl
After some time galloping
Mani saw a soul
It was Seth, the son of Eve
“Praise be to you, Seth
Father of the kingless race
Holder of secrets”
Seth replied to Mani’s praise
“Praise be to Mani
The New Apostle of Light
The Spirit of Truth”
Mani quickly bowed his head
And galloped away
Soon the beast motioned to him
To soon leave this stream
And visit the great angels
Waiting for his heart
Mani sad he had to leave
Still agreed and left
Mani rode even higher
With the galloping
Creating a holy tune
He saw twelve grey clouds
Small and humble
Heard a holy song
Being sung in the same tune
As the galloping
And sung by many women
As Mani approached
He saw twelve virgins of light
Six on the left side
The other six on the right
They noticed Mani
And laid down their palm branches
From their robes of green
For him to gallop above
As Mani galloped
Showing gratitude to them
By bowing his head
They lifted their hands and sang
“Praise be to Mani
Blessed is the Apostle
The Servant of Christ
The Apostle of Jesus”
They sang this short song
As he rode slightly nearer
To heaven’s city
Before he left however
One of them gave him
A palm branch to take with him
He bowed and thanked her
Mani rode even higher
With the galloping
Creating a holy tune
As he galloped on
Mani saw a silver cloud
Heard holy chanting
In the exact tune
Of the previous great song
And the galloping
But with a singular voice
As Mani approached
He met the Maiden of Light
Serene and singing
While making lightning and rain
She made their loud sounds
In tune with her long singing
She was clothed in blue
With the brown wings of an owl
She said “I was sent
To those who study my soul
I am the treasure
To those who seek my spirit”
Mani bowed his head
And gave his precious palm branch
To the bright maiden
Saying “I am unworthy
To keep this palm branch
To keep this wonderful gift
But you are worthy”
She set a garland of green
Filled with holy grace
A living crown of beauty
On Mani’s bowed head
After she took Mani’s gift
As Mani prepared
Prepared to quickly depart
The Great Buddha shone
Behind the Maiden of Light
Mani’s face shone bright
And Mani loudly exclaimed
“Praise to the Buddha
The Dispeller of Darkness
Kinsman of the Sun”
The Great Buddha responded
“Praise be to Mani
Beloved of all the Lights
Gatherer of souls”
Mani then bowed his wreathed head
And quickly went off
Mani rode even higher
With the galloping
Creating a holy tune
Mani saw a cross
Shining with golden sunlight
Twinkling with moonlight
Clothed in swirling clouds of white
As they both approached
Jesus the Splendour shined through
Christ the Son shined through
Through the veil of those white clouds
Mani’s face shone bright
And Mani loudly exclaimed
“Praise to the Bright Son
Lamb of God, the New Adam
The Sheperd of Man”
Jesus the Sun responded
“Praise be to Mani
The Paraclete of Comfort
Messenger of Joy”
And the clouds sang in whispers
“Jesus is the light
The light above everything
Wearing a great mask
Made of swirling clouds of white
Jesus is the breath
Of all the seen and unseen
Who greets all people
Who return to his warm arms
Split a piece of wood
Here his own heart pulsating
Lift a rock of grey
Smell precious incense burning
See a flower bud
Watch his threads interlacing”
Mani gently wept
His tears becoming raindrops
From the blue heavens
Caused by those whispering clouds
Jesus the Christ smiled
And gave a lily flower
To Mani weeping
And tied it to his green crown
Mani bowed his head
And prepared to quickly leave
On the holy beast
Mani rode even higher
With the galloping
Creating a holy tune
Mani and the beast
Finally saw a huge cloud
Of many colours
The great cloud looked like a web
Hanging on nothing
They got nearer and nearer
Until they saw him
The Third Messenger floating
He had many wings
And a thousand eyes looking
He was radiant
Holding a banner of white
To shine through twelve gates
He himself shined as the sun
As the bright sovereign
Holding pearls in his left hand
To send higher up
To the grand Empire of Light
These purified pearls
Were from the depths of darkness
He rescued them all
From the imprisoned demons
Mani sang to him
“Great is the shining shepherd
The judge and the king
The powerful one of life
The Lord of the strong
We praise his one righteous throne
King of the chieftains
Lord of the holy prophets”
The Third Messenger
Shined on Mani’s crown of green
And made it bloom much
With colourful dates and grapes
Mani bowed his head
And quickly began to leave
With his holy beast
Mani rode even higher
With the galloping
Creating a holy tune
After great Mani
Passed through the ten firmaments
And met the Prophets
And the aeons of light
Tiredness set in
Gnosis exclaimed “Do not sleep
The strings of dark night
Still allure your holy heart
So keep up the fight
And you will see the morning”
After a long while
They saw a cloudy mountain
Tall and resplendent
They went to the very peak
And saw a giant
It was the Living Spirit
Watching in gladness
Watching his deep craftmanship
Turning and changing
He smiled at his firstborn son
Whose title is this
The Keeper of the Splendour
Who holds up the skies
Those colossal firmaments
Mani got higher
He did not have enough time
To go that far down
So, he went to the Spirit
And praised the craftsman
“You carried the First Man up
From the first battle
You crucified the darkness
That Prince of Darkness
And you trampled and pierced
The natures of death
Your soul crafted and lifted
The sun and the moon
And you evoked your five sons
To hold the cosmos
You sent forth countless angels
To bound the circuit
Until you finished your work
And then set a few
As watchers for the cosmos
You established gods
When light shone on the darkness
You are the craftsman
You are greater than Saklas
That lesser craftsman
That lion-headed serpent
Who made man’s world
Within your glorious work”
When Mani finished
The Living Spirit crouched down
And gave him a staff
That had an orb on its peak
Smooth and beautiful
An orb of the whole cosmos
Held up by a snake
A gold cobra to be held
The Spirit declared
“This is my cosmic power
My eternal might
You can choose to offer it
To the Great Builder
Or to keep it for yourself
If your will says so”
Mani bowed in gratitude
And left that mountain
Mani rode even higher
With the galloping
Creating a holy tune
After a long while
He saw a flaming mountain
With fire rivers
And some sparks of creation
The beast said to him
“Do not fear Prophet Mani
These flames do not harm
They harm only the darkness”
So Mani approached
And saw another giant
Near the flaming peak
Crafting with a large hammer
Making clear diamonds
That man was the Great Builder
Crafting the new world
For the end of the cosmos
When all will dissolve
Except the remnants of light
Who followed the way
The narrow bridge bathed in light
A stream filled with pearls
Which leads to the Father’s love
An infinite deep
Mani approached the Builder
And gave him the staff
The Living Spirit’s power
The Great Builder smiled
And said “Thank you for this staff
You have passed the test
Please take this pen I crafted
To not give away
But to keep close forever”
Mani gave the staff
And received a precious pen
Made of sodalite
Grateful Mani bowed his head
And quickly set off
Mani rode even higher
With the pen of blue
Twirling in his long, right hand
He and Gnosis saw
A mountain filled with green life
With crickets singing
And birds tweeting united
They saw a giant
Caring for every creature
With large, tender hands
Mani proclaimed with great joy
“The Friend of the Lights
The Beloved of the Lights
Sublime of the Lights”
The giant heard Mani’s praise
And gave papyrus
Woven by the blowing wind
To Mani’s kind hands
Mani bowed his long-crowned head
And quickly went off
Mani rode even higher
With the pen of blue
With the tender papyrus
To make some doodles
On the things his soul witnessed
As he was drawing
He and Gnosis saw a square
Made out of clear glass
They galloped towards the sight
And saw vast tree roots
Reaching to each point and side
They soon saw a tree
Larger than any great tree
Or Babel’s Tower
Or Holy Mother Mountain
Its crown of vastness
Was a cosmos in itself
Filled with all creatures
Whether those seen by mankind
And those yet to be
And those forever unseen
Filled with every fruit
Whether living or extinct
In the tree’s centre
Shined forth a colossal cross
A cross of white light
It was the Living Spirit
Mani bowed and prayed
“Praise be to you, the Spirit
You are courageous
You sacrificed your high self
To the demon beasts
For light to defeat darkness
You was life to them
But the beasts were death for you
You bore beneath them
They wore you like fishing nets
You are in the all
You hold up the ten heavens
You are the world’s life
The sweet water in the pit
The joy of all souls
The honey milk in all trees
You hold up the worlds
All to do your one mission
To trick and poison
All the demon beasts below
So the last battle
Will see the Prince of Darkness
Weak and imprisoned”
A branch gently came closer
To Mani and gave
A box of brushes and paints
From every kingdom
“This will give life to your art
Fruit for men to taste
As I have given my life
To the world below”
Mani bowed with excitement
Ran towards Gnosis
And began his living art
While still travelling
Mani rode even higher
With the pen of blue
With precious paints and brushes
To make living art
On the things his soul witnessed
After some paintings
Mani saw a larger square
Made of clear crystal
Mani quickly came to it
And saw a giant
Wearing a tunic of wool
Curly wool from lambs
Holding the great shield of faith
Wearing a breastplate
The breastplate of righteousness
With a lengthy sword
Inscribed with the words of God
Wearing a helmet
The helmet of salvation
He was the First Man
Mani gazed, and then proclaimed
“Songs filled the clear air
Tambourines and harps praised you
The mountains and trees
Were filled with rivers of joy
When your soul returned
To the Paradise of Light
From seas of darkness
From the primeval battle
Against the tyrant
The Prince of Endless Darkness
Your soul destroyed death
Slayed the demons by a shield
Strong and razor-sharp
You protected paradise
And sealed the dark Prince
Within the eternal pit”
As Mani finished
The First Man leaned over him
And drops of blood rained
On Mani’s black robe
From an everlasting wound
That the Man received
From the primeval battle
From a flying lance
That flew like a shooting star
In the void of night
The black robe turned into white
A glimmering white
“This is my blood of hardship
Of my sacrifice
Of my plight before glory
Of my endurance”
Mani slowly bowed his head
And gracefully walked
To his one glimmering beast
Waiting patiently
Mani rode even higher
With the pen of blue
With precious paints and brushes
To make living art
On the things his soul witnessed
After Mani painted
A few colourful paintings
He finally saw
An endless expanse above
Made of clear diamond
The beast guided the Prophet
Through an opening
Small and difficult to see
A perfect circle
They both slowly went through it
And saw two angels
Bigger than any mountain
Though looked more gentle
One a top another one
The first great angel
Flew with huge butterfly wings
Wearing daffodils
And shined as the morning sun
The second angel
Masked himself with grey dove wings
Mani met the first
And the first angel announced
"We are the Mother
We are the Mother of Life
We are her two limbs
I am “First-Appearing One”
Her majestic hands
Her mouth, opened to birth words"
The first great angel
Analysed Mani’s body
He saw the green crown
From the Maiden of Light’s hands
Blooming with much life
The lily from Christ himself
The robe from the Mind
The robe of black turned pure white
And said to Mani
“You are worthy to pass me”
Mani went higher
To meet the second angel
“I am known as “Hidden One”
Her eyes veiled from sight
Her womb forever shrouded”
Mani went higher
And saw the Mother of Life
Wearing green clothing
With a purple and gold robe
Decked with five jewels
And wearing a crown of white
Rings of white fire
Mani bowed down and proclaimed
“The Mother of Life
You’re the universal womb
The Mother-Father
You’re the Excellent Mother
The Holy Spirit
You’re the Mother of the Just
The Joyous Mother
You’re Holy Primal Spirit
Joyous Barbelo”
The Mother gave a sweet smile
And gave a white veil
“Dear Mani, cover your face
Before you meet him
The King and Father of Light
For no mortal eye
Can see the infinite light
The splendid Gnosis
Will guide your path without sight”
Mani obeyed her
He got on his splendid beast
And put on the veil
Mani rode even higher
With the veil of white
Blinding his eyes from all sight
He entered his world
The world of endless colours
And every figure
Of the things his soul hopes for
Of the war long past
On the things his soul witnessed
Mani’s sight was blank
But he felt beams of warm light
Penetrate his heart
He heard massive doors creaking
The beast’s galloping
Became a loud heart beating
A love filled Mani
He trembled and bowed his head
Feeling endless joy
He could not have stopped himself
From praising the One:
“Great Invisible Spirit
Father of Greatness
King of the Gardens of Light
The Father of Light
Unknown Silent One of Light
Yes you, Lord of All
The Sovereign of Paradise
Yes you, King of Truth
The King of the World of Light
Yes you, First Father
Yes you, Virginal Spirit”
Mani paused and thought
“Silent One of Light
You are complete in your light
Silent One of Light
You are above perfection
Silent One of Light
You are above blessedness
Silent One of Light
You are not a deity
Silent One of Light
You’re above divinity
Silent One of Light”
Mani finished his praising
He felt the Light’s love
Even though there was silence
Mani bowed his head
And felt moved to ask questions
About everything
His heart journeyed to now know
From the God of Truth
“Why have you brought me up here?”
“Compassion” he said
“Why have you made this heaven?”
“Compassion” he said
“Why did light come to darkness?”
“Compassion” he said
“Why does the moon wax and wane?
“Compassion” he said
“Why does the shining sun rise?”
There was brief silence
The Father stopped the heavens
To announce his speech
He summoned angels to hear
The sun looked up high
Mani leaned closer to hear
“Compassion” he said
The sun rose even higher
The angels bowed down
Mani got down from his beast
And stepped on the ground
Mani bowed his whole head down
To the diamond ground
Now knowing why he was sent
As he stood back up
His tiredness left his soul
All of a sudden
He felt his feet on soft ground
The beams of warm light
Have now faded from his skin
Even the clear air
Now smelled of fragrant flowers
He heard a voice say
“Manichaeus, take it off”
He took off the veil
He felt a tap on his side
Manichaeus turned
And saw his twin shining bright
“You have been refreshed
Now you journey has ended”
Manichaeus smiled
He followed his shining twin
To a massive pit
The twin said “Gaze at Hades”
Manichaeus looked
He saw a swarm of serpents
Deep down in the dark
Swallowing pearls of starlight
In a knotted mess
There were seven bright angels
Made of the moon’s light
As stranglers for the six snakes
Among the star signs
Manichaeus looked deeper
And saw long rivers
Rivers of bright red fire
Where the white pearls go
When the snakes vomit them up
With Mount Sumeru
At peace in the world’s centre
And the sea giant
Swam in the ocean of black
Swirling and foaming
Manichaeus looked deeper
And saw dark layers
Of foul beast-headed demons
All held up by strength
By the praiseworthy Porter
He saw more layers
Of smoke, water, red fire
Cold darkness and wind
Manichaeus looked deeper
And saw the plain void
Which underpins mankind's world
“You must go back there
To the earthly world of plight”
Much fear and trembling
Filled Manichaeus’s mind
He took a step back
Like a lamb near a lion
His twin advised him
“To be a light in the dark
Is your grand mission
You must sow the holy seed
From the Light Gardens
Of the great Holy Spirit
To make life-filled fruit
In the green flower garden
The whole world’s tyrants
Will hate your mission and soul
You will suffer death
From an emperor’s decree
To be crucified
By the whole world of mankind
So the Church of Life
May resurrect in the tomb
The First Man’s tomb”
Filled with the good medicine
Of a joyful heart
Manichaeus took a step
And a leap of faith
And fell through serpents and flames
Fell through beast demons
Till all he could see was void
Then his room appeared
Unchanged since the long journey
Except for paintings
Filled with memories and life
On his humble bed
He could see the sun rising
So, he went outside
Travelled to the four corners
Of the world of night
With his colour filled paintings
Under his white robe
Teaching in the grand empire
Preaching the word “Compassion”

What is the source of this text? Let ever Roshan Pidar bless you!