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See AllI will be attempting to briefly explain the roles of Jesus Christ within our teachings and truth as revealed by Mani. Jesus has various...
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Today, it begins the Bema Fast, which reminds us the martyrdom of Mani The Seal of the Prophets! At Feb. 26th is the date of his Nirvana , when he was crucified, and his body was dismembered that, its parts
were placed on stakes at the main points of Ctesiphon, Sassanian Imperial Capital, until his bodily members were gathered and buried after 4 days of infamous exposure!
I have much interest in and respect for Manichaeism, I’m sympathetic to the efforts being made for its revival, and would count Mani among the saints that I venerate, but there are Manichaean distinctives that give me pause and reason to avoid embracing it fully: its stance on antinatalism (I’d love to have children if it were possible for my wife and I), and its traditional stance on agricultural practice as something to avoid. As one whose career is squarely in the space of agricultural support and compliance services, any notion of avoiding agriculture, even if it's just for the Elect, doesn't sit well with me.